28 days from today is Mon, 07 October 2024

Hampshire Police Federation

Pre-Retirement courses available for Hampshire Police Federation members in association with ‘Mightify’ and Eight Wealth Management

10 February 2020

Hampshire Police federation are providing an opportunity to officers who retire on the next 12-18 months the option to attend a two day retirement course in partnership with ‘Mightify’ and Eight Wealth Management.

We understand what a significant change it is to move on from emergency service careers and this course is designed and delivered by people who have done exactly that. We believe that you will leave these 2 days with greater confidence, better awareness of what’s out there for you and the skills to effectively present yourself.

Topics Covered:
 Methods, approaches and tools for preparing for successful career change
 Personal and wellbeing dimensions of career change/transition
 Financial impacts and considerations
 Identifying, translating and presenting transferable skills
 Practical tools such as CVs, job applications, LinkedIn and more
 Employment market insights and opportunity reviews
 Models of employment, self-employment and more
 Building a powerful network, online and offline
 Success stories of those that have gone before
 Ongoing support structures

We will also have a bespoke input on financial planning, including pensions advice thanks to our hosts, - Eight wealth management. In addition Hampshire federation will give guidance on the process of retiring from the constabulary.

The courses are being held in Whitely, Fareham in April, July and October.

To register your interest please email federation@hampshire.pnn.police.uk with your name, collar number and date of retirement.