90 days from today is Fri, 25 October 2024

GMP Federation

Christmas and New Year Message for Members from Mike Peake, Vice Chair of Greater Manchester Police Federation

22 December 2022

Christmas and New Year Message for Members from Mike Peake, Vice Chair of Greater Manchester Police Federation.

“Looking back at 2022 GMP started out in the unenviable position of being a poorly performing police force, having been placed in special measures by HMICFRS. Morale was low, demand far outweighed available resources leaving many officers on the brink of breaking point.

“However Chief Constable Stephen Watson and his then newly appointed command team set out to engage with the work force and the Federation with a view to analyse what was going wrong.

“The Plan On A Page was introduced, which aimed to implement a delivery plan that would improve culture and effectiveness leading to greater public trust and confidence.

“In October GMP became the most improved force resulting in its removal from special measures, an achievement that should be celebrated by the hard-working rank and file who’s dedication and commitment greatly contributed to the improvements made.

“The cost of living crisis hit, resulting in a massive increase to heating bills, the cost of a weekly shop, and the price of a tank of fuel, leaving many officers on the bread line trying to make ends meet. The Government awarded all police officers a pay rise of £1,900 resulting in the young in service officers on lower pay grades benefiting the most. Whilst the pay rise has been the largest the police service has received for a number of years, it fell far short of the increase in inflation, which has risen to over 11% in 2022. The Government simply need to do more to recognise and reward the dangerous work that a police officer undertakes.

“For most, Christmas is an opportunity to celebrate, yet many officers in GMP will be working shifts over the festive period keeping the communities of Greater Manchester safe and will have their celebrations cut short.

“This is a particular busy period for policing, and I hope that our colleagues who carry out what can be a dangerous job at times stay safe and manage to spend some quality time with family and loved ones.

“Looking ahead to 2023, GMP have over 60 change plans in the pipeline, all aimed at improving the way in which it goes about its daily business, changes that will hopefully not just benefit the public, but will reduce the demand individual officers currently face.

“In 2022 the establishment of officers increased with a large influx of new recruits, and as those student officers progress through their initial training phase other officers should start to see the benefit of having more available resources.

“I would like to praise the hard work and dedication of all the GMP officers who have made the difference over the last 12 months, and would also make special mention to Deputy Chief Constable Terry Woods for his receptiveness around the challenges, feedback and the needs raised on behalf of the federated ranks.

“GMP are listening to us as a Federation, listening to the concerns, suggestions and views being put forward by our members, and as such I look forward to the year ahead to build on what is becoming a professional and engaging relationship.

“I would like to take the opportunity to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

“Stay Safe and look after each other.”




July 2024