90 days from today is Sun, 15 December 2024

GMP Federation

My passion for equality - by Equality Lead Brett Grange

17 December 2018

GMP Federation Equality Lead Brett Grange is driven to help members by his own personal situation. Here he explains why is he so passionate about equality and about the support and help he can provide.

Thanks for taking time to read this, I know how busy you all are. I have had a very personal reason for finding Equality matters the most fascinating: I am the primary carer for my son who attends a special school in Cheadle due to his Autism and learning disabilities.

Having James has been the biggest learning curve of my life and is the reason I became a Rep.

I quickly realised that a number of officers had caring responsibilities and were basically muddling on. I have worked with several officers around support in getting dependants’ leave and altering shift patterns, I hope to increase understanding in this area.

Part of my journey meant I have attended a number of courses run by either Rochdale council or the National Autism Society (specifically the Greater Manchester Branch) to learn as much as possible about Autism and the various care pathways, support and adaptions.

I have since then become a point of contact on the National Police Autism Association. This has lead me to support colleagues going through the diagnosis process.

Learning About The Menopause
I’m very proud of my work in this area, but I’m not a one-subject bore, I can bore you on a number subjects – as those who have met me will confirm! I have also worked with the BAWP to increase my understanding of the effects of the menopause and to pass that information on to colleagues in supervisory roles.

This all came about after supporting a colleague when I was embarrassed I didn’t know more about this and I embarked on a voyage of discovery. As an ageing workforce this issue will increase in importance and we need to prepare now so we are not letting our colleagues down.

Working With Others
I hope to maintain strong relationships with colleagues from the various staff associations.
As your Federation we are here to support everyone. Sometimes to do that and to gain trust we will need support from our friends who are part of some of the diverse groups that also do a great deal of good supporting colleagues.

I hope I can learn as much as possible from these groups, pass that learning on to other Reps and build strong ties which will benefit us all.

Building My New Role
There were some strong candidates in the election for this role and I now hope to work with them as I have the upmost respect for their knowledge and skills.

I know they both share a dedication to serve and are willing support me in my task – thank you Mick Aspinall and Lee Broadbent.

Replacing Ian Saunders is impossible, but I will bring my own skills to the job and develop others in role as I am not scared to listen, roll up my selves, graft and broaden my horizons.

I have until this election been the divisional rep for Bury and the deputy for health and safety working with Martin Lally.

This experience has been fantastic and given me the drive to make a difference in Equality, which I have had a keen interest in from the start.

As the Federation changes and develops there will be a drive to push the force further on wellbeing issues: this will lie between Martin’s and my role.

We have already spoken and are eager to work together to ensure the force continues to improve their work in this area.

I am about to move from Bury where I have had some of the greatest times in the police, I will miss far too many people to list. My work supporting officers around the force makes me so proud of your bravery and dedication, I hope to match that with the support I offer.


September 2024