90 days from today is Wed, 11 December 2024

GMP Federation

A Christmas message from GMP Chairman Stu Berry

20 December 2018

"Despite those challenges and the difficulties of everyday policing, GMP officers have once again stepped up to the mark"

A Christmas message from GMP Federation Chairman Stu Berry to members: 

"As I look back on 2018 it feels very much like a whirlwind! Following the elections in June I have had the privilege of being your first directly elected Chairman and I’m thankful to all of you for taking part and assisting with the restructure of Greater Manchester Police Federation. I am committed to making a difference and I am determined to repay the trust you have given me. 

It was probably a little naive to think that the transition from Department Representative to Chairman would be smooth sailing and that boat met the perfect storm of a World Cup and a Presidential Visit within the first month. I do like to be tested but I’m in no rush to experience those issues again. 

Throughout the previous six months we have created a great team and Progress House and we have influenced and negotiated successes with a number of policies such as Worked Based Assessments, Shift Parameters and Refreshment Entitlements. That being said, we’re just warming up!

In early 2019 we will see the introduction of Spit Guards into GMP to be trialled within our Custody Suites. However, we are hopeful of a force-wide rollout into front line areas later in the year. This has been a considerable campaign by GMPF and a great step forward to benefit the Health and Safety of our members. The second part of that initiative includes the trial of Hi-Viz Tac-Vests for summer months and those negotiations are continuing with the force.

The significant priorities for GMPF in 2019 are to influence changes to the Current Single Crewing Policy, Operation Custodian and City Centre policing. 

Lone working is a form of social isolation for our members who endure increased demand and reduced officer numbers each day. I find it hard to varnish my words but this is simply grinding our members into the ground. This situation needs to change. This situation must change. Rest assured that a new double crewing policy is being discussed and negotiated and I have dedicated much of my time and efforts to this endeavour. I will update the membership as soon as possible and will continue to urge the leaders of GMP to help us, help you.

Operation Custodian and the policing of the City Centre night time economy is a poorly implemented and short sighted response to a continual problem for whole organisation. I meet with the Deputy Mayor directly and I will continue to push for increased funding in this area by the start of the 2019 financial year.

Despite those challenges and the difficulties of everyday policing, GMP officers have once again stepped up to the mark answering thousands of calls for help starting with the emergency call out to investigating complex and serous crime.

I would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

Take Care and Stay Safe.


Stu Berry,
GMP - Federation"


September 2024