Derbyshire Police Federation

Federation elections: could you be a workplace representative?

16 December 2024

Members are being encouraged to take a full part in the Police Federation elections by putting themselves forward for election as a workplace representative or by voting for their preferred candidates, their local chair and eventually the national chair. 

The nationwide election process starts on 30 December when nominations open for workplace representatives and will be complete by 1 October 2025, when the new National Board will be in place.

Keith Chambers, chair of Derbyshire Police Federation, said: “I really hope all members will take an interest in the elections and take part. It is all too easy to stand on the outside looking in with a critical eye, but if you want to drive forward change in the Federation, consider putting yourself forward for elections as a workplace rep or, at the very least, make sure you vote.

“Policing is facing some enormous challenges right now and the Federation has a critical role to play in representing its members’ views and making sure their voices are heard.

“It also plays an invaluable role in helping and supporting members at their time of need, through conduct proceedings or other issues in the workplace.

“Being a Federation rep can be demanding, but it is also very rewarding. If any member wants to find out more about what the role entails contact a current workplace representative or the office team.”

The Force’s constables, sergeants and inspecting ranks, as well as Specials, can stand in the local workplace representative elections.

Workplace reps

Workplace reps undertake their Federation duties alongside their policing role.

Find out more about the role.

Information on the first round of elections for workplace reps, including how to self-nominate and how to vote, will be emailed to all members.

As well as being able to vote for their local workplace reps, all members will later be able to vote for their local chair and the national chair through an electronic voting system. 

Each of the 43 police forces in England and Wales has a Federation Branch Council made up of all the workplace reps for that force. From the Branch Council, an executive - the Branch Board - is elected, including a secretary and treasurer. Other lead roles include equality, health and safety, and conduct and performance. Local reps also have the chance to put themselves forward for the national body whenever opportunities arise.

Federation branches across the country are making a special plea to members from under-represented groups to consider putting themselves forward to become reps to help better reflect the diversity of the membership.

Nomination process

The nomination process for local reps opens on 30 December and closes on 24 January 2025.

Any member wishing to stand for election can self-nominate via an online portal during the nomination period - a link will be provided to all members via email. They will need to fill in the online nomination form and sign the Standards and Performance agreement.

Voting will take place from 3 to 23 February next year, with the results announced on 27 February.

More details about the elections can be found on Page 5 of the winter edition of our members’ magazine News & Views 

If you have any further questions, please contact the Federation office.

READ MORE: Christmas magazine is out now.


February 2025