Derbyshire Police Federation

Federation extends funding for Welfare Support Programme

24 October 2022

Derbyshire Police Federation chair Tony Wetton is encouraging officers to seek support if they’re struggling with their mental health.

Tony explained that Federation reps are a vital first point of call for members seeking wellbeing support.

But he said the Federation can signpost members to help and support if they need it, and this could include a referral to the Welfare Support Programme.

The programme is run by Defence Medical Welfare Service (DMWS), an independent charity providing medical welfare to the armed forces, veterans, NHS staff and emergency services.

It offers a wide range of confidential and independent services from clinical assessments to counselling with fully trained and accredited professionals.

More than 500 members have received timely and ongoing mental health support through the programme since DMWS started operating the scheme in December 2020. 

And the Federation has announced it will continue to fund the programme until at least December 2023.

Tony said: “Policing is a unique job and we often experience difficult situations, which is why it’s important to look after our mental health.

“And it’s not just our work life that can impact our emotional and mental wellbeing, we’ve all got issues in our private lives that can have an effect.

“If you are struggling then please seek that support. Our Federation reps are here to help and are an important first point of contact.

“If you need more specialist help then our Welfare Support Programme is there for you.

“It’s better to seek support before a problem gets out of hand. Don’t suffer alone,” he added.

The Welfare Support Programme provides:

  • Practical and mental support
  • Clinical assessments and dedicated counselling
  • Person-centred support (via telephone or face-to-face)
  • Access to fully trained and accredited professionals
  • Independent and confidential support
  • Referrals to appropriate follow-on specialist support.

The Federation has received testimonials from members who have been supported by DMWS.

“That kind of support is priceless, and I count myself as being very lucky to have been provided with such help and support from such an amazing charity,” said one member, adding: “I want it to be known what a difference it has made to me – especially when I have felt unsupported by others.”

Find out more by contacting the Derbyshire Police Federation branch or speaking to your workplace representatives.






February 2025