Derbyshire Police Federation

Confused by the pensions remedy?

26 August 2022

Derbyshire Police Federation is organising further pension remedy briefing sessions to help members who may be concerned or confused by reforms to their schemes and the application of the “remedy”.

The briefings are designed to provide members with a better understanding of how they will be impacted by the changes and follow on from similar successful sessions held earlier this year.

Members who attend will receive a detailed explanation of the pension schemes and how they fit together, the impact of the “remedy” and transitional protections, options for retirement and potential pitfalls to avoid.

There will also be indicative examples of potential pension benefits for members who have transitioned into the 2015 pension scheme.

Philip Pearson and Tim Jackson of Reflect Financial Limited will be hosting the next sessions on Tuesday 4 October. The morning briefing will run from 11am to 1pm followed by a 2pm to 4pm session in the afternoon.

The briefings are being held at the Derbyshire Police Federation offices in Coney Green.

Members who want to reserve a place at one of the briefing sessions should email indicating whether they prefer to attend in the morning or afternoon. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.




February 2025