Derbyshire Police Federation

Tony ‘delighted and honoured’ to be re-elected

3 December 2021

Tony Wetton has been re-elected as chair of Derbyshire Police Federation for another three-year-term in office.

Tony, who joined the Force nearly 22 years ago, said he would continue the vital work of developing and building professional relationships to influence decision-makers and, where necessary, make appropriate challenges to achieve the best possible outcomes for members.

He said: “I am obviously delighted and honoured to have been re-elected by the members and it is my great privilege to represent them.

“I have been working hard over the challenging last four years to try to make our branch more influential by being credible, relevant, visible and accessible.”

Since becoming chair, Tony has been the voice of the Derbyshire Police Federation to two Chief Constables and their changing teams, senior officers and managers and two Police and Crime Commissioners as well as providing a link with the public, politicians, the media and the Police Federation nationally.

He said: “I try to do everything in the job with a sense of humour, speak honestly and candidly, and have no hidden agenda. 

“I strongly believe in giving credit where it’s due, in loyalty and friendship, always making time for people and in doing the right thing by them. And I believe in police officers.”

Tony said his focus as chair would remain on ensuring that all officers go home safe and well at the end of every shift by working with the Force and holding it to account for any failings and protecting and promoting the interests, welfare and wellbeing of members.

He has also set out plans to make further improvements to the branch’s multimedia content and influence and making sure workplace reps are fully trained and equipped with the confidence to support members.

He said he would be pressing for improvements in the way officer stress, mental health, menopause and other issues are dealt with by the Force and would be doing everything he could to ensure  police officers were at the “front and centre” of  what the Force does and how it does it.

Tony became a workplace rep for Ops Division in 2010 and has since performed many roles within the branch  including Constables’ Trustee, chair of the Constables’ Board, health and safety lead, vice-chair and  chair.

He said: “Derbyshire Police Federation continues to do lots of great work for its members and I wouldn’t have put myself up for this crucial role again if I didn’t think I was absolutely the best person to represent them.”


February 2025