Derbyshire Police Federation

Study considers pandemic’s impact on new officers

5 January 2021

Student officers are being asked to take part in a Police Federation study exploring the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic has had on new recruits. 

The study will help the Police Federation ensure that all student officers are treated fairly and equally, regardless of when they joined the police or which police force they serve in.

Derbyshire Police Federation secretary Kirsty Bunn said: “Covid-19 has had an extraordinary impact on all of our working lives. However, the pandemic is likely to create extra challenges for student officers, as they join the police service and undertake the initial training required to be an officer.

“I would encourage as many student officers as possible to take part in this study. Results will allow the Police Federation to understand the experiences of those who have joined the police during the pandemic and help the Federation to prevent Covid-19 having a longer-term impact on student officers and their career within the police service.”

Participants will be asked a number of questions about their experience of working and training during the Covid-19 pandemic, either via MS Teams or by telephone, depending on their preference. 

“If you agree to take part, you will be asked about your training and assessments, the work you have been doing during the pandemic, the support you have received and, if you joined the police during the pandemic, your experiences of the recruitment process,” Kirsty added.

“I would like to reassure participants that there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer to any of these questions; the Federation just wants to understand more about your experiences.”

The interview is expected to last no longer than an hour, depending on the answers provided.

Find out more.




February 2025