Derbyshire Police Federation

Fancy being a Fed rep?

21 June 2021

The vital work carried out by Police Federation workplace representatives will be highlighted at an online event today ahead of the start, in July, of the Federation triennial elections.

Derbyshire branch members are being urged to register for the event to learn more about the role and hopefully be spurred on to stand as a candidate themselves.

The Election Café event is part of the ongoing Reps@Work campaign which highlights the work carried out by Fed reps.

Derbyshire branch secretary Kirsty Bunn said: “The Election Café gives members a chance to have a chat with current reps to find out more about the challenges, and rewards, of the role, “We would encourage all members with an interest in being a rep to sign up for this event and hopefully some will be inspired to stand for election themselves.

“Being a Fed rep can be tough but supporting colleagues is ultimately an incredibly rewarding thing to do.”

The Election Café will be open from 2pm until 3pm on Monday 21 June.

To register please email

Derbyshire Police Federation is also holding an online surgery on 22 June for its members wanting to find out more about being a rep.


February 2025