Derbyshire Police Federation

Your magazine

9 December 2020

The winter edition of your Federation magazine is available now.

In the latest News & Views Tony Wetton, chair of Derbyshire Police Federation, acknowledges what a difficult year it has been in so many ways for so many people and says he hopes 2021 will be better.

The results of the recent pay and morale survey show that more than half (51 per cent) of Derbyshire members reported low morale but 52 per cent, slightly higher than the national average, said they felt the Force had managed officers well during the pandemic.

In another article, the branch wellbeing lead says he believes communication and kindness are key to wellbeing and Chief Constable Rachel Swann reflects on her role, saying ensuring the safety of vulnerable communities is a challenge that will continue into the New Year.

There are also articles on the continued use of PPE and top tips to improve sleep during shift work.

Read the magazine.



February 2025