Derbyshire Police Federation

Talk Money Week: look at your finances

10 November 2020

The Police Federation is encouraging members to take time to focus on their personal finances.

Talk Money Week, which started yesterday, aims to improve financial wellbeing by urging people to open up about their finances.

And with the Covid-19 pandemic putting a strain on the economy, the Federation says there’s never been a more important time to focus on our finances.

Tony Wetton, chair of Derbyshire Police Federation, says: “It’s never a bad thing to get your finances in order but this year, more than ever, I think it is important for us all to take a bit of time to focus on our personal finances.

“The pandemic has put us all under a lot of strain and many people have seen their incomes drastically reduced. Worrying about money can have a huge impact on mental health but there is always help and support at hand. Taking the first step can be the hardest part.

“But the Federation is here to help so if you have any concerns about your finances, please get in touch as we can put you in touch with organisations that can offer confidential advice.”

To mark Talk Money Week, Police Mutual has produced a free factsheet to help break the stigma of talking about money and debt issues.

The guide includes tips on how to improve your financial wellbeing, budgeting for Christmas and signposts for where to look for help.

Talk Money Week is a campaign by the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS).

MaPS is sponsored by the Department for Work and Pensions and brings together three financial guidance bodies: the Money Advice Service, The Pensions Advisory Service and Pension Wise.


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