Derbyshire Police Federation

How is the Force doing?

14 May 2020

Police officers and staff are being asked to give their views on how the Force is dealing with the coronavirus crisis.

A brief survey is being circulated and should not take more than five minutes to complete.

“The Force carried out a similar survey a few weeks ago so we welcome the fact that it is going back to officers and staff to check how they are feeling,” says Tony Wetton, chair of Derbyshire Police Federation.

“It asks whether people feel they have enough information and PPE and seeks to discover where the Force is doing well and where improvements could be made.

“There is also an extra question this time which seeks to see how those working from home have adjusted as they seek to support front-line officers and staff and comply with the Government guidance on home working where possible.”

If you do not have access to Force systems, please ask a colleague to send you a link to the survey or ask from help from a Federation workplace representative.

The survey, which closes at 11.45pm on 20 May, is anonymous.


February 2025