Derbyshire Police Federation

Coronavirus and the Federation office

20 March 2020

In line with Government advice, we have arranged for our office team to work from home for the foreseeable future.

“While this has been a difficult decision for us, as we like the branch office to be as accessible as possible to members, we do feel this is the right decision at this time,” says Tony Wetton, chair.

“The Government has called for as many people as possible to work from home and while we appreciate this is just not feasible for some roles we have been able to make effective arrangements for our admin team to continue to support members without the need for them to come into the office which is in a building shared with many other businesses."

"Every case of infection we prevent at this stage prevents 36,000 infections in six weeks' time.  Please keep yourself and your loved ones safe by following the latest advice.  Connect is updated regularly and has the latest advice and guidance.  Please refer to the coronavirus page if you have any queries.  If you cannot find the answer there then there is a dedicated email address to Silver command in Force.

“Branch secretary Kirsty Bunn and I will also work from home other than attending essential meetings. We are available to you as usual should you need to contact us.”

The Federation office administration team, Pete Roberts and Jo Johnson, will continue to job share so that there is office cover in normal working hours. Jo works Monday to Wednesday and Pete works Wednesday to Friday.

Contact details:

Jo – 07583 002 298

Pete – 07813 693 638

Tony – 07980 622 221

Kirsty – 07981 925 593

You can also contact Jo and Pete by emailing as usual.

Further contact details for the branch officials and workplace reps can also be found on our ‘Meet the team’ page.





February 2025