Derbyshire Police Federation

Chief announces plans to retire

12 May 2020

Derbyshire Police Federation chair Tony Wetton has paid tribute to Chief Constable Peter Goodman who has announced he will retire at the end of July.

Mr Goodman has spent the last 13 years of his service as part of the chief officer team and has been Chief Constable for three years.

His retirement will mark the end of 32 years in policing. He started his career with Nottinghamshire in 1988.

“I have very much enjoyed working with Chief Constable Peter Goodman in my time as chair of Derbyshire Police Federation,’” said Tony.

“We have developed a very positive and productive relationship with the whole of the chief officer team under his leadership.  The Chief has always invited the Federation to work closely with him where we agree, and to challenge him where we disagree.    

"He is a man of strong principles and high values, trusting and supporting his officers to do the right thing, believing in and encouraging an ethos of learning and development rather than sanction and punishment. 

"He will be much missed and his successor will, I’m sure, find him a hard act to follow.  Derbyshire Police Federation wishes him a long, healthy and happy retirement."

Mr Goodman became Chief Constable in June 2017 after serving as DCC and ACC.

He said: “It has been my privilege and pleasure to lead Derbyshire Constabulary and I am very proud to have been part of such a hard-working and dedicated organisation.

“I am extremely proud of the work that officers and staff do day-in-day-out, most of it going unsung. The dedication to keeping the communities of Derbyshire safe is second to none by all members of the Force and I know that this will continue.”


February 2025