Derbyshire Police Federation

Annual leave: everyone needs a break from work

4 June 2020

With holidays abroad and here in the UK still uncertain due to the coronavirus restrictions officers are being reminded that they should still make sure they take annual leave.

Kirsty Bunn, secretary of Derbyshire Police Federation, has expressed concern that officers are not taking their leave because they can’t go away.

“I do understand the temptation for people to cancel leave they had booked for holidays abroad or in this country but I think there is a real danger that we are going to see officers suffering from burn-out through not getting a rest from work,” says Kirsty.

“Research has shown that working too long without a proper break can lead to fatigue, forgetfulness, loss of concentration, physical illnesses and mental ill-health such as anxiety and depression.

“Taking your annual leave, even if you can’t get away, can help relieve stress, enable you to catch up on sleep and also allow you to enjoy quality time with your family.”



February 2025