Police Federation

FOI 00188 - Legal case of Naude


Received: 30 September 2019

PC Ian Naude was convicted earlier this year by a lawful court and sentenced to 25 years in prison for rape of an under-age girl. The convicted PC claimed innocence throughout the trial.

Some questions under the FOI legislation:

  1. Did the Police Federation fund the Legal costs of PC Naude?
  2. If the Police Federation did fund the costs:

- Did the Police Federation accept PC Naude's claims of innocence before the verdict of the trial?

- Does the Police Federation accept the verdict of the Court?

- If the verdict is not accepted, can that be explained?

- Did any member of the Police Federation provide good character reference at the trial?


Responded: 25 October 2019

The Police Federation of England and Wales neither confirm or deny if this is information held and are exempting it under Section 40(5B) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This provides exemptions from the duty to confirm or deny whether requested information is held, if to do so would disclose personal data.

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