Police Federation

FOI 00151 - Transform PSD @ GMP and the Peer Review @ theMet 2016


Received: 16 January 2019

This request concerns your branch at Greater Manchester Police.
1. Please disclose all data held in connection with the Transform PSD led by ex-Supt John Armstrong (Cheshire Police) in 2015/2016.
2. Please disclose all data held in connection with the Peer Review undertaken by the Metropolitan Police Service in May 2016.
The request is unusually broad because, realistically, there is unlikely to be more than a minor amount of material that falls for disclosure
by the Federation.
If it assists in retrieving information, I am already aware, from disclosure requests made to other public authorities, that both Lance
Thomas and Mike Peake did have some involvement with these projects as disciplinary leads.


Responded: 22 January 2019

Under section 1. (1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I can confirm that the Police Federation of England and Wales does not hold the
information requested.

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