Police Federation

FOI 00330 - Cost of meals at Leatherhead


Received: 14 July 2023

I write to enquire as to the yearly cost of free meals that are provided at Federation House. Can I also ask how far that invitation for free food is given, ie working in the building orvisiting the Fed on business and does it extend to those attending Fed House as paying subs members for any reason. 
Is all of this information in the yearly accounts and under what area is it listed. 


Responded: 28 July 2023

The annual cost of free meals provided at Federation House in 2022 was £52,235. 

PFEW employees, National Board and National Council are offered lunch free of charge when they are working on site.  At times, there may be visitors who come to meet board members who may also be offered lunch.   

Subscribing officers are not generally entitled to a free meal unless attending a course where this has already been paid for and arranged.  Officers on duty are welcome at Federation House for tea and coffee free of charge. 

Costs relating to the provision of lunches are incorporated into the Annual Report and Accounts under the “Statement of Financial Activities”. 


Correction: the figure provided in this response is in fact the figure for an intercompany recharge between two PFEW departments. The amount allocated to providing free lunch at Federation House is included within this figure, but the figure does not represent the actual costs of providing free lunch.

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