Police Federation

FOI 00299 - Property Purchase - Sussex (2)


Received: 7 December 2022

1)Has the Sussex Police Federation purchased a new property, or is it in the process of purchasing a new property?

2)Where is this property located?

3)How much has / is this purchase costing, including any and all professional fees?

4)Was a needs analysis done to weigh up the pros and cons of this purchase, and is this available to members to view?

5)How was the purchase location chosen?

6)How is the cost of this purchase being covered is this from membership subscriptions, or has the purchase been facilitatedby a loan?

7)If a loan is in play, to whom is money owed, at what rate, and over what period of time.?

8)In the internal discussions about this purchase, how many people supported this purchase, and how many voted against it?

9)Was a decision made, and if so by whom, not to tell the membership until the purchase was complete?

10)Is the existing suite of offices at Sussex Police HQ still available to the Sussex Police Federation, or did Sussex Police remove this accommodation?

11)What was / is the annual rent paid by the Sussex Police Federation to Sussex Police for the suite of offices at Sussex Police HQ?



Responded: 23 December 2022

The Police Federation of England and Wales can confirm that this data is held but is being withheld in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (2000) Section 21 Information is reasonably accessibleto the applicant by other means.

In this instance, the information has previously been requested under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the response to which may be viewed via our Disclosure Log on the PFEW website. The following link may be useful to you: https://www.polfed.org/resources/access-to-information/disclosure-log/foi-00297-property-purchase-sussex/

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