Police Federation

FOI 00276 - Pension challenge legal advice


Received: 2 December 2021

I would like to ask for the LEGAL ADVICE first sought by the PFEW around the pensions changes that lead to PFEW not fighting the changes. You have waived your legal privilege and have provided LEIGH DAY the documents and your hearing for the 1st and 2nd DECEMBER 2021 has been cancelled. 


Therefore the document is no longer “LEGAL PRIVILEGE” and you should publish the document for all offices to digest for themselves. 


Responded: 30 December 2021

The Police Federation of England and Wales can confirm that we do hold this information. 


The legal advice has been disclosed to Leigh Day for the specific purpose of defending the Employment Tribunal claim.  In doing so it was made clear that disclosure was strictly limited and restricted to that purpose.  Therefore legal privilege remains in place. 


We refer you to previous similar request responses on our website:  https://www.polfed.org/resources/access-to-information/disclosure-log/ 

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